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Stati Uniti Bilancia Commerciale

Ultima pubblicazione
lug 31, 2024
Unità in
USD Million
Prossima pubblicazione
ott 08, 2024
Orario di pubblicazione
1 Mesi 1 Giorni 9 Ore
Il più alto
Il più basso
Intervallo date
giu 1975
mar 2022
-16,829.77 USD Million1950-2024U.S. Census Bureau
la bilancia commerciale (BOT), fa riferimento alla differenza tra il valore monetario delle importazioni e delle esportazioni di un paese in un determinato periodo di tempo. Una bilancia commerciale positiva indica un surplus commerciale mentre una bilancia commerciale negativa indica un deficit commerciale. Il BOT è una componente importante nel determinare il conto corrente di un paese.

Ultimi aggiornamenti

The trade deficit in the US widened to $78.8 billion in July 2024, the biggest gap since June 2022, compared to a $73 billion shortfall in June and roughly in line with market forecasts. Exports increased 0.5% to a record high of $266.6 billion, due to semiconductors, government goods and financial services while there was a decline in shipments of passenger cars and gem diamonds. Meanwhile, imports soared 2.1% to $345.4 billion, the highest value since March 2022, led by purchases of computer accessories, nonmonetary gold, finished metal shapes, charges for the use of intellectual property and transport. Imports of travel on the other hand, decreased. The deficit with China increased $4.9 billion to $27.2 billion, as exports decreased $1.0 billion to $11.5 billion and imports were up $3.9 billion to $38.7 billion. The trade gap with Canada also widened $3.0 billion to $7.6 billion, as exports fell $1.4 billion to $27.3 billion and imports rose $1.7 billion to $35.0 billion.

Cronologia Stati Uniti Bilancia Commerciale

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