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Estonia Tasso di Crescita annuale del PIL

Ultima pubblicazione
giu 30, 2024
Unità in
Prossima pubblicazione
nov 29, 2024
Orario di pubblicazione
2 Mesi 28 Giorni 5 Ore
Il più alto
Il più basso
Intervallo date
dic 1997
set 2009
3.79 %1996-2024Statistics Estonia
Il PIL (valore di mercato di tutti i beni e servizi finali prodotti) Il tasso di crescita annualizzato mostra la crescita del PIL che verrebbe registrata se il tasso di variazione del trimestre precedente fosse mantenuto per un intero anno.

Ultimi aggiornamenti

The Estonian economy contracted 1.0% year-on-year in Q2 of 2024, easing from a downwardly revised 2.2% fall in the previous period. It was the ninth straight quarter of decline but the softest decrease since Q2 of 2022, as investments rebounded sharply (7.9% vs -9.6% in Q1), mainly boosted by non-financial corporations' investments in other buildings and structures; while government spending accelerated (1.1% vs 0.6%). By contrast, private consumption fell further (-1.3% vs -1.0%), amid a drop in spending on clothing and footwear, transport, miscellaneous goods, and services. Simultaneously, exports (-1.6% vs -7.6%) and imports (-0.3% vs -4.1%) declined much softer. On the production side, output contracted mainly for construction; electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply; and whole and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. On a seasonally adjusted quarterly basis, the GDP showed no growth, after a downwardly revised 0.3% drop in the previous quarter.

Cronologia Estonia Tasso di Crescita annuale del PIL

Ultime letture 12

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